While sofa bed sheets preserve the life of our furniture pieces in the course of time, we should not buy our sofa bed covers right away. Instead, we should think first of our options before hitting the malls for our sleeper sofa sheets. We’ll make this easier for all of us as we enumerate here some things we should consider before buying the covers of our sleeper sofa set.

To Cover Or Not?

To cover or not? This is the first question we should ask ourselves before purchasing sheets for sofa bed. This is mainly because some sofa beds may lose its original aesthetic features if we will have them covered. For instance, there are leather and futon sofas that look better when it’s bare. However, leaving it as is may not guarantee its long life. So, if we really want to save our sleeper sofas from its possible early deterioration, it is advisable for us to cover them. This should also be the case especially if we are living with kids.


How Large Is A Queen Sleeper Sofa?

Majority of sofa bed sheets full comes in queen fitted sheets. So, we should have at least an idea of the dimensions of this particular size. A queen size sofa bed sheet roughly measures 90 inches long and 84 inches wide when expanded. This measurement may still vary depending on the physical appearance of the sofa bed itself. As an example, sofa beds with bulkier arms will apparently need larger bed covers.


Design That Complements Our Home

We have mentioned earlier that we have the choice whether to have our queen sofa bed sheets covered or not. If the circumstances don’t permit us to leave our sofa uncovered, we should make amends by choosing bed sheet designs that complement the aesthetic features of our home well. Finding what matches our walls is not so difficult nowadays as modern sofa beds are already upholstered in safe earth tones such as Green, blue, white, black and grey.

Sofa Bed Covers Need Not Be Expensive

475_wamsutta-pinpoint-260-sheetsThe prices of sofa bed sheets queen size version may be a bit expensive depending on the design we want to have. But, we should not be discouraged from buying one since it becomes our investment in the long run. In addition, there are also cheap sets that we can buy directly or online. If we are really interested in saving a lot of money when shopping for our sofa bed covers, we may also purchase some sets that are on sale. After all, cheap pieces will not look one if only we have the eye for beauty.


On Custom Made Sheets

Some of us may choose to buy custom bed sheets to ensure that they will be perfectly tailored according to the size of our sofa beds. In engaging in such activity, however, we highly advise everyone to weigh down our options carefully. That’s because customized bed sheets can be a little bit costly. Likewise, some custom order shops may not achieve the design that we wanted. For these reasons, we should only consult establishments that are well-received by many specifically by people we know.
